Текст песни Песни дворовые - Still Young

Still Young
Песни дворовые
They were juniors in high school
They didn't know right from wrong
They went to all the school dances
And they danced to their favorite song
And Johnny still loves rock and roll
And every night he plays
And some day he will figure out
Why his best friend had to move away

They go to lunch and they talk about
What will happen when they grow old
They figure they will all be famous
And they will never have to be alone
But Paul is failing school again
And he still sells his pot
And one day he will realize
That these jobs don't offer a lot.

They were still young
And they were so sure
That one day they'll be what they wanna be

And some day they'll know
That life is not all about rock-n-roll
And I pray they do well
Cause now they're on the verge of breakin down
They were all still young.

They've known each other since third grade
She was his very first true love
Everyone thought they'd get married
And he figured she was sent from above
But every time they talked, they fought.
But they had something special there
Cause they loved each other way too much
To stop to think or even care.

Best friends may not fight
Some may never dare
But when it comes straight down to it
Real friends wouldn't care.

Copyright © 2002 Joe Miller. All rights reserved.