
Текст песни Vocaloid - Calc

Calc. (English ver.)

歌・英訳:まど@実写リロ 作詞・作曲:ジミーサムP
Production: JimmythumbP feat Miku Hatsune

Tuning: eBGDAE

When we grow apart, it's   destiny It's just  how it was  supposed to be
But I know that I'm not  strong enough  to accept that so easily
Each and  every single answer that  comes my way
Are sold at  too high a price for me  to pay
They rob me of the  courage to leave it  all and move on

The song that I once  sang and  gave to you
Its now just a sad  love song, over  played a time or two
Let the wind flow   in and  blow it away
Back to that time, that   summer day when I  fell in love with you

When we draw near each other, its   destiny too
the way its  suppose to unfold,  through and through
If I could  convince myself it was  meant to be, maybe I  wouldn't 
feel so alone
Each and every single answer that  comes my way
Have way too  many hypocrisies   to say
They   erase the path that I   need to take to the other  side

The song that  I once  sang and gave  to  you
Is now     just a   sad  love song, over played a  time or two
   Let the  wind flow  in and blow it  away
Back     to that  time,
that  summer day when I fell in  love with  you

Do this on a Mild Strum:

If the past and    future both   decided to dis-  appear
Do you think that   then I'd be   finally    free
If I could pick one   emotion to  do away   with at   last
If I picked my    love for you would I be  able to go back

Do this on a Strong Strum:

If I could  one day  hear every   song that you  heard
Breathe every - thing you  breathed, feel D#everything you  felt
If I could  be your  eyes and see the  world like you  did
Then maybe   I could  love you
the way I've always wanted to

koro_koro here,
tnx for viewing this tab...
hope you enjoy like it, enjoy playing.... 